Timico Broadband Reviews

Sometimes the best way to get a feel for a broadband provider is to read what those who are already customers think of the service they're receiving. Below are all the reviews we've received for Timico.

Recent Customer Ratings for Timico

  • Satisfaction
    3.9 stars
  • Customer Service
    4.1 stars
  • Speed
    3.2 stars
  • Reliability
    3.9 stars

Based on 100 customer ratings since 2016-02-07 (Show all time ratings)

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Ratings are left by users of our speed test as well as by reviewers. Recent star ratings summarise the last 12 months of ratings or the last 100 ratings placed, whichever is largest.

2 Customer Reviews

  • Reviewer
    • Satisfaction
      1 star
    • Customer Service
      1 star
    • Speed
      1 star
    • Reliability
      1 star
    Hopeless service. I live in London and my broadband is slower than I have seen in remote villages. When I complain, they put it up a notch and then it's back to around 1mb again. Go for any other provider.
  • Reviewer
    • Satisfaction
      3 stars
    • Customer Service
      2 stars
    • Speed
      4 stars
    • Reliability
      3 stars
    Timico took over my service from 'coms' who took it over from 'ADSL24' service has got worse each time. They have no 'off-peak' times and they only have 100gb and 500gb download limits.

    Having been used to the on/off-peak set-up of Coms, I breached my limit by 250% and they didn't notify me at all until the last day off the month when I was told that I had to upgrade my contract to the £58pm 500gb contract or pay £270+ pounds for the over use.

    Needless to say I converted and am now changing ISP. Total rip-off.

    If you're happy with the cost and allowances then the service is ok, my internet went off on a Friday, rang them and they admitted it was a fault at their end and then told me they'd sort it out on Tuesday, which they did.

    Speed has dropped slightly since the take over. All in all, not great.

The reviews published on this page are those of the individual authors who have warrantied that they abide by our review guidelines. Reviews are not the opinion of Broadband.co.uk.

Timico are not affiliated with Broadband.co.uk. This page does not constitute any affiliation between Broadband.co.uk and Timico.